
Frame Moooi Award discontinued

2013 Award

Interview with winners

And the winner is

Shortlist 2013

Frame Moooi Award Submission Guidelines
Terms and Conditions

1. Organizers

Frame - Frame Publishers Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Moooi - Moooi B.V. Breda (Netherlands)

2. Award winning prize


Out of 10 shortlisted designs, the winning design and its designer will be announced at the Frame Moooi Award ceremony in April 2013.


The winning design shall be awarded a cash prize of € 25,000.


A participant, or its representative, of whom a design has been shortlisted accepts to be present during the Frame Moooi Award ceremony in April 2013.

3. Participation


The participation is open from 1 September to 1 December, 2012.


Until the closing date, designs can be sent in by completely filling out the submission form as published on the website and is in conformity with the requirements as laid down hereafter (par. 3 and 4). Any design must be uploaded on


Participation is open to:

• Individual designers/architects, architecture/interior designs firms, as well as multi-professional teams, worldwide, whose qualifications are recognized by their local accreditation organization.

• Developers, funders, contractors and other associated organizations (e.g. clients), that may enter on behalf of an architect or designer with the architect/designer's consent.


A participant may participate with up to a maximum of three designs.

4. Requirements regarding the design

A design is eligible for the award if it meets the following criteria:

• Only eligible are furniture or lamp designs custom-designed for a specific interior.

• Both the product and the interior must have been completed between 1 January 2011 and 1 September, 2012.

• Per design a maximum of three photographs can be presented, as well as three photographs of the interior. Images should be a maximum of 2MB. Visualizations, such as sketches, drawings, renderings etcetera are NOT accepted and NOT eligible.

• Each design must be accompanied by two brief explanatory texts of max. 1,500 characters, including spaces, each. All text must be in English.

• To ensure anonymity in judging, no names of participants or collaborating parties may appear on any part of the photographs or the explanatory text.

5. Non-eligibility

Designs that do not meet the requirements as laid down in par. 3 and/or 4 are not eligible.

6. Award winning procedure


The Jury shall be composed of one member, a person overall renowned and respected in the design field.


The nominated designs will be published on the Frame / Moooi internet sites:,,, printed magazines, press releases, social media, and other Frame & Moooi channels. Shortlisted entrants will be notified no later than February 2013.


During the Salone del Mobile in Milan (Italy) in April 2013 amongst the nominated designs the Award winning design shall be made publicly known during the Frame Moooi Award ceremony.


Any and all decisions regarding the pre-selection, the Shortlist nominees and the Winning design are final decisions.


The Jury reserves the right to re-classify, re-categorize or reject any entry that does not comply with the requirements as set in par. 3, 4 or 5.


Neither the organizers, nor the Jury will enter into correspondence or comments, in writing or verbally, regarding the entries and the decisions made.

7. Publication and Intellectual property rights


By sending in a participating design, the participating designer(s) or architect(s) do grant Frame and Moooi independently the right to use the participating design(s) as well as all its materials and particulars, including the jury report, for publicity purposes in connection with the Frame Moooi Award. In execution thereof, the design may be published using any appropriate technical means for publication, such as, but not limited to: print, digital carriers, internet, websites, etcetera. The aforementioned right granted by the designer(s) or architect(s) to use the design for publicity purposes in connection with the Frame Moooi Award is not restricted territorially and thus is worldwide; is not restricted by the use of a technical medium; is not restricted in time. The participating design shall be published, worldwide, on internet and the written press by Frame and/or Moooi. The names and addresses of private residential clients will not be listed.


A participant, not being the intellectual property owner of the design:

a. is responsible to ensure that the Intellectual property owner of the design grants Frame and/or Moooi the rights as mentioned in par. 7.1.

b. fully warrants Frame and/or Moooi against any legal action and claim for damages in the event that the Intellectual property owner did not grant Frame and/or Moooi the right as mentioned in par. 7.1.


It is the participant's responsibility to ensure that the design has been properly protected against any possible intellectual property right infringement, such as unlawful copying, the making of look-a-likes, unlawful registration by third parties, etcetera.


Frame and Moooi exclude any and all responsibility in case a design is copied or otherwise appropriated in an unlawful manner, whether or not this may have been caused by the publication of the design by Frame and/or Moooi.

Frame and Moooi strongly advice a participant to have a design registered at least with the relevant EU and USA/Canada authorities. It is the designer's responsibility to have his or her participating design registered.

8. Exploitation rights

In the event that Moooi would like to obtain the worldwide exploitation rights concerning a design, a separate agreement shall be made between Moooi and designer(s) or architect(s) to that end.

9. Fiscal consequences

The Award prize is paid out by Frame / Moooi as a gross amount. It is the winners' responsability to declare fiscally the prize and pay the relevant taxes depending on the applicable fiscal regime.

10. Binding conditions and applicable law

Any participation to this contest is subject to the laws of The Netherlands. Any dispute can exclusively be submitted to and be settled by the district court of Breda (Arrondissementsrechtbank Breda).

Breda, August 2012

Sample work